Beans are an important source of protein that has been enjoyed by many for thousands of years. 

While there is no historical evidence that shows when people started cultivating beans, it can be asserted that beans are very ancient foods that are found in many cultures. 

The word “bean” existed in German vocabulary since the 12th century. This offers sufficient proof that beans have been around for a very long time. 

Bean is a very diverse plant and comes in many different varieties which include Great Northern Beans, Fava Beans, Kidney Beans, Navy Bean, Pinto Beans, Black Bean, and Chickpeas. It is estimated that there are over 40,000 beans in world gene banks. 

The cultivation of beans is particularly suitable in the summer season and it takes between 55 to 60 days to reach maturation. 

Africa is home to all species of beans; however, there are some varieties of beans that are widely enjoyed in Africa than others. 

In Ghana, the popular choices of beans are Navy beans and pinto beans.  Navy and Pinto beans are prepared in a variety of ways which includes beans soup.

 In Africa, beans are mostly eaten with bread, plantain, maize, yams, and cassava powder.  

Beans are usually cultivated alongside maize and it is best planted during the summertime.

Pinto Beans Soup with Chicken

This is my all time favorite soup! It’s fast, delicious and less expensive to make, but you have to try it. You will love it!



1 can (15 ounces) of pinto beans

2 fresh tomatoes

1 can (15 ounces) of tomato sauce

1 ½ sweet onion

2 fresh peppers (ground chili pepper)

½ tabs ginger paste

Mushroom and okra (optional)


Spices to taste.

To know more about how to combine beans to make delicious soups:

Inside the combination beans soup eBook:

You will know all the ingredients you need

from start to finish

Hot ideas about beans soup

The meats you need to use or use your favorite meat

You can eat you soup with anything you want: especially rice!


Bean is known to offer a long list of health benefits to the body. Beans serve as the biggest source of plant-based protein and protein is a fundamental requirement for healthy living. 

Protein is an important part of every component of the human body. From the formation and repair of tissues to regulating hormonal functions, protein performs a long list of essential functions. 

Protein is required for growth and proper functioning of cells and muscles. In addition to being a great source of protein, a bean is a nutrient dense food and contains a long list of essential nutrients for overall health and wellbeing.  

Beans offer tremendous amounts of antioxidants which serve to rejuvenate the body. Antioxidants slow down the aging process while lowering the risk of infections.

 Beans provide elevated amounts of antioxidants which boost the immune system and keep the body healthy. 

Everyone recognizes the role of a healthy heart. The human heart is probably the most needed organ in the body. 

The heart is the king of the circulatory system and must be in great working condition for a happy and productive life. Regular consumption of beans helps regulate cholesterol in the blood which is a requirement for a healthy heart. Whichever way you choose to enjoy your beans, you can be sure that beans encourage a healthy heart. 

Diabetes is one of the leading causes of death in America. This lifestyle disease is known to have debilitating consequences on the quality of life. In worse cases, diabetes can lead to death. It would interest you to know that beans help reduce the amount of blood sugar by facilitating metabolism. 

When you make beans a regular part of your diet, you will be protecting your liver. While most people are completely unaware of the importance of the liver, the functions of the human liver are vital.

 Fatty liver is a condition that makes the liver unable to perform its function of detoxifying blood. Fatty liver often results in very dire health problems. However, fatty liver can be avoided by eating beans regularly. 

While this might come as shock, beans help prevent cancer. Because of its antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, beans are known to prevent the growth of cancer. 


Beans offer a long list of benefits to those that eat it regularly. When you make beans a part of your diet, it is expected that you experience a variety of incredible benefits.

 Beans bolster the immunes system and help the body fight off infection. This benefit is particularly relevant in a competitive world where good health is needed to be productive.

 Bean offers the incredible benefit of growth. This is very true that children who eat beans regularly tend to grow better than their counterparts. 

Bean is known to facilitate overall growth and wellbeing. Bean helps avoid infections and keeps the human body working in optimal condition. 


It is worth mentioning that bean is probably the most affordable source of protein. Bean is readily available and offers a healthy dose of protein that is required for the maintenance of hormones and tissues.  

Bean is nutrient dense which means it offers many other nutrients as well. Beans offer vitamins and folic acid. Beans actively protect the heart and encourage overall wellness.  

Its affordability is by far one of its core advantages. Bean is a resilient crop and can survive in harsh conditions. Bean is widely eaten all over the world and available in nearly all cultures of the world.

 This means that no matter where you go, you can always enjoy beans.  Because bean is found in many cultures of the world, there are many interesting ways to prepare and eat beans. You can never get tired of new and exciting culinary delights that are made from beans. 


For every good thing, there is always a downside and beans are no exception. Bean is an amazing food crop that is enjoyed around the world but is not ideal for people with allergies. 

There are individuals that are allergic to legumes and beans happen to be a legume too. There are also many raw beans that are unsafe for human consumption. 

These unsafe varieties contain excessive amounts of lectins which may constitute a form of food poisoning. More so, there are individuals that feel bloated after eating beans.

 Constipation is a common challenge that may present itself after a beans meal. Also, some people may feel gassy after a beans meal. Being gassy is a real problem that may be experienced after a beans meal.

 While these challenges may deter some from eating beans, it does not change the fact that bean is a highly nutritious and mouthwatering delicacy.