25 new ways to make swallowable fufu

25 new ways to make swallowable fufu


Do you remember the smell of Fufu emanating from your family kitchen when you were young?

Do you still crave the taste of this traditional and delicious West African food?

Would you like to be able to make your own recipes to add to other foods for a complete meal?

Fufu is a traditional food from West Africa and there is no other dish that screams traditional African cuisine than this. Made in different ways, depending on what country you are in, the traditional Ghanaian recipe involves pounding equal portions of cassava with green plantains or cocoyam. Then it is stirred on a stove until the consistency is at the desired thickness, before eating it with soup. Ask any African person from that part of the continent and they will tell you they love eating Fufu like few other things.



Now, with 25 New Ways to Make Swallow Able Fufu: Complete Beginners Fufu Recipes Collection for Your Family, you can make your own Fufu at home and enjoy its distinct flavors once again, alongside:

1.Hearty, homemade soups

2.Any kind of meat or chicken

3.Healthy vegetable recipes


Inside the eBook:

1.You will know all the ingredients and meat you need

before going to the grocery store.

Fufu is one of the most skilled foods you can imagine and much like pasta, it goes with pretty much anything you must hand. With 25 New Ways to Make Swallow Able Fufu, even if you’ve never made it before, you can begin to recreate the taste of home once more.

And once you become adept at making this simple but delicious food, you can then start to get creative in the kitchen, adding it to whatever African dish you are serving up or fusing it with foods from other cultures as well.

Whatever you decide to make, your family and friends will love you for it as they sit down to a dish that is more than just a taste, but a memory.

Scroll up and click Add to Cart to get your copy of a book that will change how you eat!


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