Reading the title might have got you into confusion because most of you may have never heard about plantains in your entire life? Right?

Plantain is a green-colored edible fruit, which needs to be cooked before consumption. Therefore, it is referred to as ‘cooking bananas’.

Now, if you want to know more about plantains, keep on reading this blog.

What are Plantains?

Plantains are not really sweet due to the high starch content in them. They are usually green when unripe and dark yellow/brown when ripe. They need to be peeled by a knife as they have tougher skin.

Furthermore, they are used in savory dishes because of the high level of starch and need to be cooked as they can’t be eaten raw. They are more like vegetables as they can be roasted, boiled, or fried.

The History of Plantain

Plantains are believed to have originated in South-East Asia. Some of the areas where plantains are cultivated include India, Africa, Tropical America, and Egypt. Two of the most common types of plantain are the horn plantain and the French plantain.

Moreover, plantains are used to make beer in Central and Eastern Uganda and Tanzania. Today, they are eaten in many parts of the world, such as Mexico, Ghana, Florida, Egypt, Portugal, Spain, etc.

Types of Plantain

Plantains, commonly known as cooking bananas, are considered a staple fruit in many parts of the world. They can be baked, boiled, or fried.

There are a variety of plantains such as:

  • The Orinoco is shorter, has a squared shape, and contains a slight amount of starch. They are also referred to as ‘burro’.
  • Bluggoe – It is a large straight plantain and has a significant amount of starch.
  • Fehi – They have a copper-colored appearance from the outside with seeds inside. They taste excellent when they are cooked.
  • Macho plantain – They are most commonly grown in the United States, particularly in Florida.
  • Rhino horn – They are the largest of the plantains and can grow up to 2 feet long.

All the different varieties of plantains have a unique taste and flavor. Moreover, they can be eaten raw if they have ripened.

Plantain Nutrition Facts

Plantains are very nutritious as they are a rich source of carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, etc. They are healthy and easily digestible.

Here is a list of nutrition facts for one cup of chopped and boiled green plantains provided by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Calories 179
Fats 0.3mg
Sodium 8mg
Protein 1.2g
Carbohydrates 48g
Fiber 3.5g
Sugars 22g


Benefits of Eating Plantains

Most of you may have never eaten plantains in your life, but you should use them in your diet as they have numerous health-related benefits.

Some of the benefits of plantains are as follows:

  • High fiber content
  • High level of antioxidants
  • Good source of Vitamin B6
  • Rich in potassium
  • Strengthening of the immune system

Let’s have a detailed look at all the benefits concerning plantain eating.

●       High Fiber Content

Plantains have a high fiber content which helps regulate bowel movements and health. Fiber cleans up the intestines and reduces the risk of colon cancer.

By adding plantains to your diet, you can reduce the risk of developing heart diseases, diverticular disease, diabetes, constipation, etc. Fiber also helps in lowering cholesterol levels in your body.

●       High Level of Antioxidants

Plantains are rich in antioxidants which help prevent oxidation in the body by free radicals. Free radicals are reactive and unstable molecules that may harm the body cells.

Plantains contain effective plant compounds that act as antioxidants such as flavonoids and polyphenols. If you use plantain flour in your diet instead of wheat flour, you will ultimately increase your body’s level of antioxidants and fiber.

●       Good Source of Vitamin B6

Plantains are rich in Vitamin B6, so it is a good addition for increasing the level of nutrients in your body. They help in the metabolism of hemoglobin and neurotransmitters.

Vitamin B6 helps to promote brain health and memory, reduce depressive symptoms and risk of developing heart diseases, etc. They can also treat Premenstrual syndrome and nausea during pregnancy.

●       Rich in Potassium

Plantains contain the high potassium content needed for the contraction of muscles and help your body function properly.

Potassium is a mineral and an electrolyte that conducts electrical impulses to the brain, which help regulate heartbeat, blood pressure, and lowers the chances of a stroke.

●     Strengthens the Immune System

Plantains boost up the immune system as they contain vitamin A and vitamin C.

Vitamin C is needed to develop and repair the body tissues. In contrast, vitamin A has anti-inflammatory properties which help prevent inflammation.

However, if you heat the plantains at a high temperature, the vitamin C would be destroyed. So, keep the flame as low as you can to cook them. Make sure to keep it on the stove for only a short period.

These are all the justifications for your question, “Why do you need to add plantains in your routine to live a healthy lifestyle?” Enhance the nutritional benefits of your diet by eating boiled or baked plantains.

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How Long have Ghanaians been Eating Plantains?

Ghana is a country in West Africa, well-known for its Ghanaian cuisines. The public of Ghana has been eating plantains for quite a long time. People visiting Ghana love Ghanaian cuisine because you cannot find the same taste in any other part of the world.

Moreover, Ghanaians use plantains to make starchy staple dishes such as Fufu, Kelewele, etc.

Plantain Farming in Ghana

Plantains are widely grown in Ghana and many other African countries due to numerous health-related benefits. It is one of the staple food of Ghana.

Plantain farming in Ghana is one of the most profitable and worthwhile farming businesses for farmers. It is easy to set up a plantain farm as little capital investment is required.

Some questions you might have related to plantain farming are given below, with their answers mentioned.

How long does it take to grow?

Plantain harvesting is usually done after 14-20 months. Flowering happens after 10-15 months, while 4-8 months are needed to ripen plantains. Full plantain clusters are harvested.

In what month is the best to plant plantain?

The best season to grow plantains is the start of the rainy season, as plantains need to grow actively in the first 3-4 months.

These are the most asked questions by the people who think of going into the plantain farming business. Plantain farming is a productive business as there is a lot of wealth associated with it.

Popular Ghanaian Dish – Fufu

People of Ghana are famous for making effective use of plantain in their dishes while also making them look mouth-watering.

One of the most mouth-watering and famous Ghanaian cuisines is fufu.

If you want to know how to cook this dish, don’t worry, as we have broken down the recipe into simple steps.

●       Plantain Fufu

  • Peel cassava and plantains.
  • Cut them into cubes and put them in a blender.
  • Add water into the blender and turn it on.
  • Wait until you obtain a smooth paste.
  • Heat the paste in a saucepan and keep the flame medium.
  • Stir it by using a wooden spatula for 8-12 minutes to avoid the formation of lumps.
  • Add water to the resulting mixture and keep the flame as low as possible.
  • Cover the saucepan with a lid and steam for 8-12 minutes.
  • After the suggested time for steaming, increase the heat to medium and stir.
  • Transfer the fufu into a bowl and let it cool down.
  • Sprinkle some water over it to prevent film formation.
  • Make a round shape with the fufu.
  • Serve it with any soup or stew.

This dish is easy to make and takes less time to prepare. If you are a fan of Ghanaian dishes, then you should try this flavorful and delicious dish at your home.

If you want to learn how to combine vegetables to make fresh soup at home, click here.


Now that you have all the information related to plantains, why not try them? Buy plantains from a nearby grocery store and make savory dishes with them to help you get rid of the stress for some time.

Plantains have high nutrition value and various health-related benefits that make them the best fit for including them in your life to live an active and healthy lifestyle.

Want to learn more about this topic? Check out this article, or click here!

Meta title Meta description
Plantain – Crack the facts, uses, and benefits Don’t know anything about plantains? Read this blog if you want all the information related to plantains, including their history and health benefits.

